The battle of Brandywine.

The battle of Brandywine began on September 11, 1777 near Brandywine creek.More troops fought at Brandywine than any other battle in the American Revolution it was also very long lasting 11 hours.The commander for the American army was George Washington and the commander for the British army was Sir William Howe.the battle started because the British planed a surprise attack but the Americans were at there base so they had the upper hand it was a close battle.The British won still.The British lost 89 men 488 wounded.The Amaricans lost 1200 wounded 700

Patriot Poem

preened to be a man to fight in war

was a very brave woman to fight

fake name was Robert Shinffil

is very inspiring

 Deborah Sampson

was a teacher

was discharged from the military

wounded  in battle shot in the leg

went to hospital doctor found she is a girl