The Missing Witch Dun Dun Dunnnnn!

On the night of a full moon , a mummy named Bill (me) and my cousin zombie named Bob were in a grave yard.There was a missing witch we overheard my dad talking about the case.So we are looking in the grave yard.Out of the blue , a hand popped out of a grave.We both ran around screaming humman apocolips!!!I tripped on a grave stone I lost a leg an a eye.My mom had a extra leg but not a extra eye.Zombie tryed to cross the road he said he got  the idea from a app on his Z Phone called crossy road he allways loses on the phone and he lost a nose and a butt.I did not know he even had a nose.We found the witch in the woods she said that she was kidnapped by a clown and the clown made fun of her nose so she killed the clown an ran so I guss this is the END!



I want to go to Plymouth because.The Plymouth Colony were friends with the indians.But the indians know how to plant vegetables that the colonist wanted.Also  if the pilgrims were in trouble the could just ask the indians and if the indians needed help the could just ask the pilgrims.The last reason is because they have a big feast every year.