Razed destroyed.
Onest people.
Always a hard time.
Not solved mysteries.
On Augest 7 whight’s grandater was born.
Know so facts.
Eventuly will be descoverd.
I want to go to Plymouth because.The Plymouth Colony were friends with the indians.But the indians know how to plant vegetables that the colonist wanted.Also if the pilgrims were in trouble the could just ask the indians and if the indians needed help the could just ask the pilgrims.The last reason is because they have a big feast every year.
When I walked down the bright cold midway.The bright lights in the colorful midway was glaring in my big eyes.I could berlly see my brothers bright red shirt.Sow I tripped on a sharp rock.

I have learned that a plane crashed into a fild.I have also learned that the first World Trad Senter made mony.I did not know that after the first World Trad Senter was destroyed they made a new one.I did also not know that on 9/11 they tern on lights in the first World Trade senter position.I also learnd that the new tower is 1776 feet tall.Last I learned that that is the year we got are freedome.
Life In 5th Grade.
So far life in 5th grade has ben very fun.The days go by very fast sens I have 5 classes.I also like using so much tecnollgy.I thought that it would be confusing but is not.At are old school in reading all we did is papers.But now we go on computers and it is fun.In the lab at my old school we only went two or three times.but now we go a lot.
Hello world!
Welcome to my brand new blog.
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